Apr 072009

abundance-and-prosperity-beachThis is an introductionary article to attracting abundance and prosperity.

I know there are millions of websites out there all with their own methods and techniques to use the law of attraction, so this will only be brief, and act as a no nonsense guide to some essentials you should be doing in order to attract the abundance and prosperity you deserve.

There are many different ways you can go about using the law of attraction, and in truth there is no single best method. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not be a suitable method for someone else.

However there are basic principles which all should be covered for real success, and now we will go into detail on these principles so you can make sure you are doing something from each of them:


Some people only do one thing or make a small change in their lives and expect success – to be really successful with attraction you should immerse yourself in it and make it a large part of your life. This is the first essential principle – no matter what techniques you actually use this is the key, you must do a lot of it, and change the way you actually live your life.


The standard method of attracting prosperity, money and abundance is to think of it consciously in your everyday life, and the advice you see everywhere is to use daily positive affirmations. This is a very basic principle of attraction. When you repeat these affirmations day in, day out, consistently then eventually they start to spill over into your reality.

You will start to believe in the affirmation slowly, and eventually the statements will become just part of who you are.


Visualization is a very powerful tool – it tricks the mind into believing the event has already happened, so much so that visualizing something is nearly as powerful as actually doing it – the near exact same emotions will be felt.

The important part here though is that whatever the mind thinks about and visualizes is what you will attract to yourself. Because you have already visualized yourself consistently with lots of money, with that new car, the new house etc then reality play “catch up” and brings to you more of the same – even though you technically have not experienced it.

Vision Board

A vision board is where you create a poster / board of various different images of the lifestyle you want to lead and the things you want to attract. So you could have helicopters on there, a picture of a mansion, pictures of money, swimming pools, cars, holidays etc

The idea here is that every day you see your vision board, so even when you’re not spending the time actively visualizing or repeating affirmations you will still see your vision board and thoughts of abundance will go through your mind on a regular basis.

Make Changes As if It’s Happened Already

This is all about making the changes in your life as if the abundance you want is already starting to happen. For example if you attracted your ideal partner right now would they have somewhere to sleep / to put their toothbrush / to sit and watch tv etc? If not then get that double bed and make room for them. If you won that dream car would it fit in your garage?

If you are not doing these things then it hints at a lack of belief. If you really believe you deserve and will acquire these items then you would clear space for them – imagine you were actually going to buy that car normally, you would spend the week clearing and cleaning the garage! So do it anyway!


Belief in the law of attraction can be a big barrier to your success – even the slightest subconscious hint of disbelief can hamper your success a lot, and even stop you from manifesting the things you want. We get more of what we think about so if even a part of you doesn’t believe you will be able to manifest anything, or doesn’t believe your efforts will work then guess what, this is exactly what will happen!

Belief can be quite difficult to build upon, but you must just stay focused and see the positive in every situation. You can read about other people’s success to spur you on and keep you driven and focused.

Another way you can enhance your belief is through the use of subliminal messages. Our subliminal attract money in abundance album is designed to flush out the negative thoughts and elements of disbelief in your subconscious mind, and make it so that your entire conscious mind and subconscious are working together – meaning you will be much more likely to attract the abundance you want – and much sooner too.

We hope you have enjoyed this mini guide to abundance and prosperity, and hope you stick around our blog to hear more!